Success Center for Learning was founded in 1996 and is located in Paris, Texas. Success Center's instructional programs are research-based and built on the philosophy of mastery learning. The reading and math programs are outcomes-based, tailored to the individual needs of each student. Success Center uses a reward system of tickets and tokens to motivate students to meet the educational objectives set for them, to build their confidence and to encourage their enthusiasm for learning.
Students of all ages work at a comfortable yet challenging level in a maximum 3:1 student-teacher ratio. A variety of materials, techniques and strategies are used with each student to provide him or her with the exact skill and content needed at the precise level of difficulty necessary to promote maximum growth.
Our techniques and programs are highly effective with students of varied abilities and learning disabilities (ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, auditory processing and visual perception difficulties, gifted and talented and much more.)
At Success Center, we prove that "Success Builds Confidence." First, by targeting the reasons why students are not as successful as they could be in school, and second, by creating an individualized instructional program that strengthens their weak areas and builds on their strengths.
Success Center works in partnership with parents and schools to more effectively deliver the most effective program of instruction for each student.
In addition to our prescriptive math and reading programs, Success Center also offers homework support/study skills and specialized instruction in numerous subject areas, as well as ACT/SAT preparation. Additionally, we offer various screening assessments. Please visit the ‘Programs’ tab of our website for further information.